PROMZ VAK 03-2024

9 80 Han van Houten Erik Roelands In addition to good prompting techniques, it can be beneficial to feed the chatbot. By providing information, you can train the chatbot. This can be done by sharing information about the company, who you are, and what you do. “You can also use data from customer service interactions and past Q&A exchanges between the company and the customer to make the tool increasingly smarter and more familiar with the company. You can even specify how you want the chatbot to respond. Here’s a tip: In your query, ask ChatGPT to also ask you questions to refine the answer. Or ask if you’ve forgotten something. This can sometimes yield even more results.” Emotionless For more structured use of the AI tool, Shila suggests making someone in the company responsible for it and treating it as an agenda item. Meeting every two weeks to learn from each other and share knowledge is highly recommended, according to him. “Periodically map out the pain points and growth opportunities in your organization and consider how AI can help. There is almost always a use case, with the thousands of AI tools available. Don’t forget that you now have a kind of super-assistant at your disposal whose sole purpose is to serve you. You can even push it hard because AI doesn’t have emotions.” Regarding emotion, AI has another advantage. ChatGPT can even be useful when you need to write a message that carries some emotional weight, as Shila himself experienced. “Recently, I needed to write a message to someone that was emotionally charged. In such cases, it helps me to tell ChatGPT what I absolutely want to avoid in the text. After inputting a draft email, the chatbot removes the emotion. It also catches spelling mistakes, by the way. I only need to read the text afterward to make sure it doesn’t include words I wouldn’t use.” Take Your Time While it's important to verify the accuracy of the information provided by ChatGPT, Shila believes the tool can significantly advance businesses, if only to free up time for more focus on the creative process. That doesn’t mean you’ll achieve great results tomorrow. You need to invest time. “It can take quite a while to become proficient in prompting. Even then, it’s not always immediately perfect. Sometimes, I spend half an hour crafting a good prompt. That may be necessary because, even with ChatGPT, garbage in means garbage out.” AI in the workplace? TEKST: 81 2024 - number 4 - College Tour Binnen het Platform Promotional Products | PPP zijn twee verschillende commissies geïnstalleerd, die ieder op hun vakgebied kennis en ervaring bundelen om dat met PPP leden te delen. Dat zijn de Kerstpakkettencommissie en de Commissie Aanbesteden. During The Supplierdays, PPP’s Young Professionals, in collaboration with Het Portaal NextGen, are organizing an interesting new concept: a sector-oriented "College Tour," where the new generation of colleagues can purposefully question the senior members of the industry. How do they view, reflect on, and anticipate developments within our industry, and how does this compare to the opinions of the "next generation"? This will undoubtedly result in interesting dialogues from which we can all learn a lot! Rodney Cesar will act as the host; he will guide the discussions smoothly and ensure that everyone's voice is adequately heard. Han van Houten (former marketing manager of XD Connects) and Erik Roelands (marketing manager of PF Concept) will represent the seniority and wisdom of our industry with their years of experience, happily answering all questions and always offering well-founded opinions. The topic of this first edition of our own College Tour is “promotion and marketing.” Are you between 18 and 35 years old and would you like to attend? Then sign up quickly for free via www.ppp-online. nl (you'll find the registration form under the "academy" tab) or send an email to We will provide a healthy drink and a delicious French breakfast, and then we will have a great hour and a half together. Tip: register as soon as possible because space is limited. On behalf of the PPP Young Professionals, Sharon Pohlman (Ecogiving), Wesley van Rutten (PF Concept), and Tamara de Bruijn (Bosscher International) will be present before and during the session. When? September 4, 2024 8:30 – 10:00 AM Doors open at 8:00 AM Where? Expo Houten NextGen Bar A visit to The Supplierdays will earn you 5 accreditation points. Participation in the College Tour will earn you 5 accreditation points. -nieuws GESCHREVEN ONDER VERANTWOORDING VAN HET PPP 9 MORE INFORMATION Promotional Products Professionals | PPP Marijke van Hoorne, Director +31 6 13 13 12 10 Would you like to stay informed about what's happening in the industry? Become a member of PPP! Discover the benefits!