PROMZ VAK 03-2024

Meet us in Houten on Supplier Days! FLEXIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE AND ORDERS ONLINE IN 30 SECONDS 24/7 On our stand no. 2016 2 DAYS PRODUCTION GUARANTEE Boards in every shape? discover the possibilities! orders, or all orders from the past five years, the types of products, corresponding order sizes, and revenue. You input this data by simply copy-pasting lists or uploading an Excel file into the chatbot.” Thanks to its analytical capabilities, the AI application can reveal which customers are the most profitable or categorize them into types. This can be particularly useful for companies in the promotional industry. “Someone who has previously purchased trade show items is usually more inclined to order more, and that likelihood is probably greater than with a customer who has only ordered a batch of pens in the past. With ChatGPT, it’s possible to create such rankings and quickly filter information from mountains of data that you wouldn’t be able to extract on your own.” The big advantage of this is that companies can use this newfound knowledge to take action and adjust their strategies accordingly—with targeted campaigns, for example. Adjustments in the advertising budget or targeted offers can be made once AI reveals a pattern in a customer's purchases. Effective Prompting However, the success of the chatbot hinges on a good query—a good prompt, to be precise. Prompting is providing input to the chatbot. Asking a question or giving a search command should be done—especially in a company where multiple people are involved—as uniformly, clearly, and completely as possible. Why? Because when different employees work with the AI tool, they each do so in their own tone and formulation, leading to different results for everyone, as Shila notes. This inconsistency is not always desirable in the workplace. Therefore, it’s advisable to standardize the query or task. Employees can agree on how to prompt or ensure that a few ready-made prompts are available, like a sort of handbook. “Suppose you regularly want to create company blogs,” he continues, “then it’s helpful to have a standard prompt that everyone uses. You could create a prompt that asks the chatbot to act as a senior copywriter writing the blog. Complement the task with requirements such as how the reader should be addressed, whether the writing style should be informal or formal, and specify which themes must be covered in each blog. When everyone uses the same prompt, you get much better results. It’s almost frightening what’s possible with ChatGPT, even down to poetic and Hamlet-like texts.” AI in the workplace? 8 "It can take quite a while to become proficient inprompting. Even then, it's not always immediately perfect." 79 2024 - number 4 -