PROMZ VAK 03-2024

NON-VERBAL BEHAVIOR IS A CRUCIAL COMPONENT OF OUR COMMUNICATION. Fidgeting A half-hearted posture. And a gaze that wanders in every direction except the right one. These are generally not the ingredients that transform a business setting into a sparkling conversation or a successful deal. Non-verbal communication is thus an essential part of every contact we engage in. It's logical that a slouched posture is not constructive. But sometimes body language is much subtler, and a keen observer can also discern more delicate signals in someone else's behavior. Or, with one's own non-verbal actions, subtly steer the conversation and the other person in a particular direction. Non-verbal behavior is a crucial component of our communication. Posture, facial expressions, and voice can either reinforce a message or undermine it, especially in customer interactions. In other words: why symmetry is important and why you should be alert to raised eyebrows. WHAT BODY LANGUAGE REVEALS Non-verbal communication is a broad term that includes things like voice and intonation, eye behavior, posture, gestures, and touch. Communication coach Jan Stevens of De Steven also includes feelings under this term. “You give a completely different speech when you're sad compared to when you feel happy. For an optimal delivery of a message, everything must be in harmony. Body language supports the verbal message, and verbal and non-verbal communication must be congruent. If not, you fail to connect and your message doesn't come across. It seems like a trick. This sows confusion and raises questions,” he says. Moreover, what people remember from a verbal message is often minimal. In speeches and conversations, it's mainly BY MARJOLEIN STRAATMAN: 8 29 2024 - number 4 -