PROMZ VAK 03-2024

+ + Out of the comfort zone, being open to the new and cherishing the old much energy and passion into a company, thinking they couldn’t do without me. When I left, I was the one calling them, ‘how’s it going?’ while I expected them to call me within a week! Everything, of course, went smoothly without me.” Putting on the rubber boots What do you find most important to convey within Plato Group? “When I started here two years ago, the company was quite internally focused, with the attitude that it was good enough as it was. I started to challenge that company culture to switch from autocratic leadership to more thinking and working together. Sometimes, as a director, you have to put on your rubber boots and get out into the field so you can also challenge the people in the company substantively. You have to constantly raise the bar, based on the customers' needs. If the world changes, you have to keep up and continually step out of the old comfort zone. The market is constantly changing. Promotional gifts are no longer just ‘giveaways’ but can be used very well as ‘storytelling.’ Think of biodegradable pens; there's a beautiful story behind them. I'm good at helping a company through changes while also cherishing the old. I want to be able to explain in understandable language why a certain decision is made. As a statutory director, I am primarily responsible for the company's continuity. That also means that sometimes I have to take unpopular measures to ensure that continuity.” Positive conflict model “I want to discuss everything and look for alternatives with the team. I especially try to challenge the managers to implement changes, and often they come up with a solution themselves. I call this a positive conflict model: challenging to come out of the comfort zone and at the same time respecting everyone because two heads are always better than one. The more vulnerable you make yourself, the more you can achieve. Then you stand more neutrally in the game. If you just nod yes, you wither away. With this mentality, I have naturally encountered resistance regularly; not everyone likes change. For some, you are a threat.” Have you ever been wrong? “I am a strategist; I am used to thinking twenty steps ahead. I work here with a three-year plan. But if I make a wrong choice, which does happen, I won't hide under the table or blame someone else. What you acknowledge, you can adjust. I once opened a branch in Germany for the company I was working for at the time, and two years later, I had to close it and lay off people. That's not a pleasant experience! But I did acknowledge the mistake and took the necessary measures.” 8 19 2024 - number 4 -