PromZ Vak 04-2017

z 2017 - nummer 4 - 105 Industry Barometer 1/2017 The Netherlands Suppliers Distributors PSI Economic Trend Index 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Industry Barometer 1/2015 Industry Barometer 2/2015 Industry Barometer 1/2016 Industry Barometer 2/2016 Industry Barometer 1/2017 109.9 80.6 100 Bottom line: di erence 110.4 PSI 2017 © 89.6 PSI Economic Trend Index The PSI Economic Trend Index depicts the economic expectations of the European promotional products sector. The data collected in this context reflect forecasts for 2017 and serve as an indicator for the industry . Declining sales were recorded in 2016. Suppliers and distributors expected sales to increase in 2017 . With 89.6 points, the economic trend index, for the time being, lags behind 2016 values.